Low Vision Accessibility for MacBook Air and iPad Pro
Apple is often lauded for their leadership in accessibility, and rightfully so. But it is not without its dark side. Over the past several years, Apple has been unbelievably sloppy with regard to their accessibility stack. When I say sloppy, I mean that major features just won’t work. Everything connected to the zoom feature has been buggy and unpredictable for the past decade. It is as if they have one person working on it and no people testing it. The reason you don’t hear about the dark side of Apple accessibility is because very few people use it that write about it for a living. They have no idea what is going on with accessibility apart from what they read in a press release. As long as they get uncritical praise from people who don’t actually rely on those systems, they have no incentive to fix anything. But enough complaining. Let’s dive in. But first…
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